Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday Sightings

Saturday Sightings

Bald Eagles

If you are so lucky to be cruising along the coast of Lake Erie on a clear day you may have the opportunity to see a Bald Eagle soaring in the sky, sitting on the branch or nesting in the very top of a tree. Bald Eagles have become a popular sight here along the edge of Lake Erie due to their recent increase in population in the area.
Bald Eagles are a large bird of prey with a dark brown or black body and stark white head. They have a large yellow beak as well as huge yellow talons. Eagles have extremely accurate balance and vision. If an eagle loses a feather from one wing, they will lose one from the other side in order to remain perfectly balanced. Eagles can also see four to seven times farther than a human. When baby eagles are born they are grey and fluffy. The feathers on their heads do not turn white until they are about four years old. Eagles have a hard time reaching adulthood and because of this only about 50% survive.
For more information on Bald Eagles please visit the following website:

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