Monday, April 6, 2015

Media Mondays

Media Mondays

April in the 1850s 

March and April mark the time of Spring and the change in the seasons and in the 1850s the pioneers saw it that way as well. During March and April plenty of cleaning and prepping occurred to prepare the residents for the busy Summer season! Easter celebrations occurred during this time period as well and they were usually observed anywhere between March 22 and April 25 every year.
During the month of March pioneer residents spent their days spreading manure on the fields in preparation for disking and seeding. The wives and daughters would spend their time working in the household cleaning everything from windows, walls, rugs and floors. Other crafting would occur like basket making and preparing nest boxes for poultry.
 During the month of April life would become even more busy. April marks the time for lambing season and this would be a busy and time consuming event. Lambs needed constant attention and if there were a number of orphaned lambs - much time was spend feeding them.
Fertilizing would continue to take place in the fields surrounding the property - preparing them for planting. Lastly, many residents began setting up their hives during the month of April in preparation for beekeeping.
From April onwards the months continually become more and more busy with animals, crops and everyday maintenance of a farm. After a long, cold winter residents would be glad to once again be able to be outside and be on the land - happy for the beginning of Spring!

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